- PurnamaOutreach

🌎 Earth Day 2020 : Journey to the New Normal
As we are navigating through a new normal, let's keep in mind that there's always a rainbow after the rain.Now is the moment to spend more time with our loved ones and support one another in the community while our Earth rests.Did you know that we are helping the Earth breathe easier? Air pollution levels are reducing, the Earth's ozone layer is recovering and carbon emissions are falling, and all of these are made possible simply by staying home!This is our gift to Earth for Earth Day this year.We definitely want to rewind and go back to a time when this pandemic never happened, but now that it's here...
Hello to a New Decade!
As we say goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020, we at Purnama would like to thank our customers and partners for making 2019 a truly remarkable year. This year also marked Purnama's 5th anniversary and we're very delighted to create incredible impact in our community and the world, together with you. Click here to read more!
You Do Matter! The Gift of Giving and Receiving
Each of us has a Giving heart, but during the hectic holiday season oftentimes we get consumed by everyday stresses that lead us to forget what we dearly want to do. Nevertheless, we at Purnama hope that you can dedicate few minutes of your time simply to breathe and recharge, because you DO matter! Let us lessen your burden this holiday season by making Giving easy! Click here to read more!
Gift Ideas with an Impact: Environmental & Social
'Tis the Season to make holiday gift giving easy...but how do you stay mindful of environment impact at the same time?Worry not, doing good during the holidays is possible for our environment and community. Click here to read more!
Simple Ways to Make You Feel Good
We all have bad days and look for ways to make ourselves feel good and be motivated. Many of us would go shopping or to the gym, to trigger the happy molecules. Well, let’s bring this to a simple level with shopping: shop with a cause, shop that matters, shop that Gives! This will trigger amazing number of molecules doing the happy dances. Simply look at the label on the product, see how it was made, does the product gives back to the environment or community. This is Giving and helps your mental wellbeing. Click here to read more!
Fashion For Good - Fight For Education
100% proceeds on our yoga bags and fitness collection goes to funding children's education. Our outreach program lives from your philanthropic purchases. Once again, Fall school year is coming; and we have a collection to spread the awareness to Fight For Education. Read more: Newsletter Fashion For Good - Fight For Education
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