Introducing EcoBike Pack™️ - a Project by Purnama
On-The-Go, RoughWear, Responsible -- EcoBike Pack™️ is an eco-friendly bike pack made from recycled army tent. It's water-resistant and easy to install, making it the perfect accessory for your next ride. Check out EcoBike Pack's website here!

February is Here... Let's Celebrate Love ❤
February is here -- and it's all about ❤️ Many people use this time as an opportunity to express their love to friends and family members, making it a time of spreading joy, happiness, kindness, and positivity. Whether it's through romantic gestures or simply showing appreciation, February is a time to celebrate the people and relationships that bring love into our lives. Join us as we celebrate what we love, starting with all of you who made our 2022 remarkable! --

Start Your Thanksgiving 🍁 with a Black Friday 😉
It’s Thanksgiving week – hooray!On this happy annual occasion, we give thanks to and gather around friends, family, and communities we cherish – and have dinners full of delicious meals.It's time to reflect – what are you thankful for? Few tips to make your Thanksgiving celebrations more sustainable and eco-friendly: RSVP for Dinner: Make sure the number of guests coming to your dinner, so you don't have to prepare excess food for your table. Make from Scratch (here's a tip), Re-Cook Your Leftovers (a recipe you can follow..), and Donate Your Food (follow your area's rules & regulations!) Let your Thanksgiving celebrations begin! Read more HERE

Our Fight for Education Journey
We want to protect the children of the future, starting with those in need by providing the basic necessities and education. We believe that supporting children means supporting the world, nature, and the Earth. We have been fortunate enough to support childrens' education throughout Asia in the past decade (Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal). In Summer 2015 we launched the Fight For Education (FFE) and a collection to fund the program. Within this program, our children will receive direct funding from the sale of our products. 100 Percent of the profit from the Fight For Education Collection will go towards their...

What is the Cult of Convenience?
#Convenience is seen as an indispensable dimension of utility in our modern life but this mentality is gradually becoming a ‘Cult of Convenience’. #Sustainability is often forgotten for what is convenient. I call it the 'Cult of Convenience' because it really presents as a cultural devotion to the ideal of immediately imbuing an almost transcendent value on anything of higher convenience. This blind devotion to convenience being central to progress ignores the fact that convenience is a unidimensional way to value a product or service, or even a way of being. Read more here. Written by Charles Pitts - Purnama's co-founder and social entrepreneur....

Sustainable Living For The Earth
On June 5, we celebrate World Environment Day -- the biggest international day for the environment.--How we decide to live our lives impact the environment that we live in -- now it's more important than ever to turn to sustainable living as a way to take care of the only earth we have. -- On June 5, we celebrate World Environment Day -- the biggest international day for the environment.How we decide to live our lives impact the environment that we live in -- now it's more important than ever to turn to sustainable living as a way to take care of the only...