Sustainable Living For The Earth
On June 5, we celebrate World Environment Day -- the biggest international day for the environment.--How we decide to live our lives impact the environment that we live in -- now it's more important than ever to turn to sustainable living as a way to take care of the only earth we have. -- On June 5, we celebrate World Environment Day -- the biggest international day for the environment.How we decide to live our lives impact the environment that we live in -- now it's more important than ever to turn to sustainable living as a way to take care of the only...

Earth Day 2022 : Invest in Sustainable Fashion
Earth Day weekend is here!--The issue of fast fashion and its impact on the environment continues to be one of the highlights of the Earth Day movement.--Let's take a look at the dangers of fast fashion, and why you should choose sustainable fashion instead. -- Source: EarthDayOrg, GoodOnYou On the contrary, sustainable fashion produces and/or sources garments and accessories in an environmentally and socially responsible way.Choosing sustainable fashion doesn't just mean buying sustainably-made products -- it can also mean utilizing, reusing, and repurposing what you already have. Why should you choose sustainable fashion? Sustainable fashion creates less waste. Either by choosing to reuse your own fashion...

Break the Bias with Inspirational Women Artisans!
42% of women reported experiencing gender discrimination at their workplace.Women earn around 20% less than their male colleagues23% of women are likely to be considered incompetent because of their gender.While these numbers are still concerning, in the last few years there has been an upward trend to highlight and reduce the bias and discrimination that women face at work. In support of the International Women’s Day movement to #BreakTheBias, let’s take a look at how a group of Nepali women artisans overcomes gender bias at their local community level. -- 42% of women reported experiencing gender discrimination at their workplace.Women earn around 20% less than their male colleagues23% of women are likely to...

Looking for the Perfect Valentine’s Gift?
Roses are red, violets are blue. Did you know that Valentine's Day is the second-largest card-sending holiday after Christmas?In the United States alone, approximately 190 million Valentine's Day cards are sent annually, with over US$21.8 billion being spent on Valentine's gifts in 2021.But once we've read the cards, unwrapped all the gifts, and discarded the decorations, they all end up in landfills, creating more non-recyclable waste that harms the environment.So, let's celebrate love for your partner, friend, family, or yourself by finding more sustainable, ethical, and environmentally-friendly Valentine's ideas -- without harming the Earth! -- Gift a plant - not roses!Approximately 224 million roses are grown specifically for Valentine's...

Thank You and Happy Holidays!
As the end of the year draws near, we extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you for your continuous support by choosing Purnama as your sustainability partner.Let's take a look at what we've achieved in yet another challenging year: We wish you all the best this holiday season and look forward to welcoming 2022 with you!

Do Good This Tuesday
'Tis the season of giving!This time of year is all about giving love and thanks. What better way to start the season than to celebrate Giving Tuesday? -- What is Giving Tuesday?Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement, celebrated annually on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. In 2021, Giving Tuesday falls on 30 November.It's a day that celebrates giving back and doing good deeds for everyone, everywhere. No matter big or small, let's spread kindness and generosity with everyone around!What can I do on Giving Tuesday?Here are a few simple ideas you can do to join the movement: Love your neighbor: from picking up groceries, helping...